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Decorative Mao bamboo pole with fire barked varnishing

Decorative Mao bamboo pole with fire barked varnishing

Model: MBP002

Supply Decorative Mao bamboo canes

Supply moso Bamboo pole


Item name: Moso/Mao Bamboo Poles (Also called Decorative Mao bamboo stake) :

Big bamboo poles are used for summer house or gazebo material , or building material or other decoration materials or other usages,such as pen container..


Decorative Mao bamboo canes with lacquering (clear varnishing outside), which is made of our good quality Moso bamboo canes material of Guangdong province. The above moso bamboo canes are burnt into straight and dry with nice color by fire into light brown yellow color, and then varnishing it with lacquer!


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